Knitting Crazy Cat Ladies

Cat Loving Knitters of the World Unite! But please, keep the wool away from your fur babies.

Monday, January 15, 2007

These things really do work!

You've seen them in the stores. "Cat Adventure Video" - entertain your cat for hours while you're away from home! Your cat will never be lonely again! Well, my sister sent this video on to me last month and I've been playing it for Ripple while I'm at work. Check this out.

Tape just inserted.
The Cat Adventure Video

The fun begins!

Oooh - Gerbils!

It cycles through a bunch of stuff like those gerbils up above, birds, stuff like that. He loves it!

I really do need to get him a buddy still though.


At 1/15/2007 5:34 PM, Blogger cpurl17 said...

Hey! The cats chez moi have that same video!!

At 1/17/2007 9:00 AM, Blogger buttercup said...

I'm going to have to look for that. Katie loves to look out all the windows, but right now there's not much to hunt so this may be the answer.


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