I've been very delinquent on this blog. I blame pregnancy, which has made it hard to even keep up with my own blog. I'm so enjoying reading your kitty memes, though.

Five Things About Me: Mirando
1. I am the most snuggly cat in the universe. Seriously, I can snuggle for *hours*. I especially love to have my tummy rubbed.
2. I was born completely blind, but this does not slow down my kitty adventures in the least.
3. I go *nuts* for dairy. Milk, cream cheese, sour cream, cheese, I love them all.
4. I am a flame-point Siamese, and can yowl in the most tragic and/or horrifying manner imaginable.
5. My hobbies include: snuggling with my people or my brother, napping, exploring the hallway or porch, playing with my plastic half-a-ball toys, and running around like a heathen.

Five Things About Me: Geronimo
1. I am a *big* kitty. People meet me and wonder if I'm part mountain lion. But I have a very squeaky meow.
2. I find rampant, random destruction very satisfying.
3. I enjoy dairy, but I'm really more of a carb cat. Yes, I *will* steal your pizza crust if you leave it unattended.
4. I'm more like a Hobbit. Nasty things, adventures, make you late for dinner. I prefer home, where all my stuff is and I know what's going on.
5. My hobbies include: snuggling with my people or my brother, napping, destroying things (anything, really), playing with my "cat crazy" toys, and running around like a heathen.