Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
My Pi is Done!
Finally! I finished a freakin' cat bed. Morris is not digging the fringe.

I wanted this for a new liner to his basket. It fits perfectly!

Now to get him in it! I swapped it with the basket he sleeps in all the time, hoping it's all about location, and not the actual basket. Hopefully I have a pic with him as the filling soon!
Saturday, June 17, 2006

I have two beautiful cats, Solvie and Zelia. Solvie often "helps" when I am sewing, so one day I put a scrap of fabric on her as a kerchief.
I know it looks like she is being strangle and hates it, but really, she didn't!
They went to the vet today, so I am going to leave them alone. They've been poked and prodded enough. :-)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Jackson - cat or lion

After seeing Ripple's picture I realized I must put up Jackson's picture. This little, well not so little, kitty is a rather naughty one. He weighs in close to 20 lbs and has his moments when he can no longer contain himself and bites you. He finds small children especially tasty. He is the social butterfly when guests come to visit and sometimes when he hangs out with the dogs he starts to act as if he is one himself. Jackson loves soda cans, not the soda, ice cream, and yarn of course!
Why Ripple Makes Me Nervous
Sunday was a nice afternoon, I sat on the porch for a bit, then wandered back inside to watch the first couple DVDs of Deadwood Season 2 in prep for the Season 3 premiere that night. I left the screen door open so the fuzzybutts could enjoy a sunbeam or two. Then we had a visitor outside.

And this is why Ripple makes me nervous:

He was so ready to take a flying leap off the patio and chase da wabbit. Poor little guy. I kept picking Ripple up and putting him down, but he'd immediately jump back up. I swear, he's gonna fall one of these days.
Finally he settled down and stared for a while.

And just because I'm crazy like that, and I got 2 good pics of him in this position, here's another shot:

I love my fuzzybutt. Even if he makes my heart leap into my throat on a regular basis.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Hello, Mabel

The Husband's birthday yesterday. He loves a film, so we drove off to see one. I decided to run up the back roads, a much prettier route with almost no traffic.
This route passes the Humane Society. We chatted about our inability to go in. Seeing all the animals needing homes, all of them torn from the lives they'd had, no security, being gawped at by hordes of little kids. No matter how the staff tries to make the animals happy, it's just plain uncomfortable. And it makes us cry. Our hearts fair break over all the beautiful unwanted animals. Then The Husband says:
"Do you want to go in?"
We parked, wondering why we'd do this to ourselves.
There were so many kitties there, all delightful. When he asked if we should take one home, I said yes. It didn't take a minute to calculate the added costs, the time involved in getting her through the initial weeks of solitary confinement until the vet gave the go ahead to introduce her to the rest of the cats. Well, I've done it before, and will do it whenever needed. And he found Mabel right off. All those beautiful cats. But he'd found Mabel, and stayed by her cage til we were called to the visitors room. Love at first sight. Enduring love, too. He didn't leave her but briefly to see the other cats, and it was most of an hour before our turn. He loves the name they'd given her, so Mabel she remains.
And here she is. Ten months old. A foundling, wandering about and so friendly it was no hardship for someone to capture her and bring her to the Humane Society.
Now she's found our hearts. The other cats know something is going on-the office regulars have their noses out of joint since they're not being let into the office. But Mabel has a home now, and eventually all will be well.