Witchy Cat

Cat Loving Knitters of the World Unite! But please, keep the wool away from your fur babies.
When I was getting ready for work this morning, I caught Ripple, intensely interested in something outside.
Please excuse the messy kitchen in the background!
Now... what's next??
Here's a pattern I came across for a knit Voodoo Bunny.(complements of the Naive Knitting Blog) I might try making it larger in a loose knit, stuffing it with plastic, and then felting it. Filled with catnip, it would make a great kitty toy.
I've got all the Kitty SP questionnaires and now I'm trying to figure out the logistics of it all. If you have any preferences as to where you will and won't ship (i.e. overseas, across the border, or you couldn't care less) let me know. We do have a somewhat "international" group here.
She's pretty much back to normal. She's more cuddlier than before though. Probably because she's thankful that we picked her up, lol.
Here was the freshly blocked pi this morning:
She's getting spayed.
I've done lots of knitting, but no blogging in the last week. Here's my Pi - it's a fake fair aisle - just random colour changes from using 2 different colours of yarn at the same time. The red yarn was to mark the first decrease row, because I have trouble keeping count otherwise. As I was taking the photo, I realized that it looked Kabbaloid.